Friday, February 13, 2009

It Never Hurts to Ask

During these times of economic recession, we've noticed sales seem to be popping up the wazoo. In some sense, the lucky few with secure jobs have to ask why it's so bad.

Lifehacker and Racked recently made a posting to the effect of "Ask for a discount, and you'll probably get it!" (Considering I'm writing on Ryan's - my landlord's - blog... I won't go into detail of what the article specifically suggests.)

So, I've taken them up on the challenge, and bought a Blackberry Storm at half the cost with a discount on the first of the monthly plan's bill. Before that, I convinced Bell to let me out of an internet contract. And right now, I'm trying to get out of my other Bell cell contract. (Turns out, I might be out of luck on this one.)

(Image stolen from

D. Phillips

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