Monday, March 31, 2008

On Alcohol, Age, and Accessibilities

You know what I miss? Being underage. Seeing people try drinking for the first time, and not knowing their limit. The high-school party where one kid would break down in tears and another would pass out... Everyone keeping a keen eye on the passed out girl, because there's a creepy guy in the corner with his eye on her.

If only those days came a little later, at an age where a higher percentage of people were comfortable with the idea of sex, and nearly everyone had their full license and cars. Imagine a world where the drinking age in Ontario were 21. Alright, youths probably wouldn't be in car accidents as often, but the number of accidents probably wouldn't change too much; they'd just happen to slightly older people. And I imagine the rape-rates would skyrocket.

Sarcasm aside, I do miss those days of holding back someone's hair or talking someone down from the edge of the roof. It made me feel needed, when I knew my limit and others didn't.

But my time for enjoying such experiences has passed, and the torch is now to a younger group. A group with a lesser access to vehicles, and a group that is less comfortable risking sexual offense.

I hope that's well articulated. I might be a bit tipsy.

D. Phillips

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