Saturday, October 4, 2008

Debate catches da fish

So there were some debates the other night.

The televised Brant riding all-candidates' debate was rather boring. The candidates alternated between referring to national platforms and having shouting matches back and forth, no actual debating took place - and hopefully no votes switched hands as a result of that night.

The leaders' debate, later on the same night, was decidedly more interesting. Which is kind of surprising, especially if you've ever seen a Canadian leaders' debate before. But rather than more you with my opinions, I'll bore you with those of the livebloggers, who are much smarter, much more in tune with the lay of the political land, and occasionally almost as funny as I am.

(Macleans had several of their reporters and columnists working on a group liveblog of the debate. I've selected some highlights and placed them here for your viewing pleasure.)

9:00 PM Martin Patriquin - Harper saying his version of McCain’s ‘the fundamentals of the economy are strong’ on a day when the TSX loses 800 points is not such a hot idea. Discuss.
9:05 PM Martin Patriquin - Harper’s economic platform: Attack the egghead across the table.
9:05 PM Paul Wells - When Paikin called on “Jack Layton,” I thought he was calling on “Czech Lady.” My debate is far more fun than the one you guys are listening to.
9:09 PM Aaron Wherry - Harper’s sitting up straighter. That’s leadership.
9:11 PM Paul Wells - On the monitor we’re watching in the English press room, every single one of them is wearing bright makeup like Oompah Loompahs. I greatly fear our friend Paikin is about to turn into a blueberry.
9:24 PM Andrew Coyne - “We need to bring the manufacturing sector back.’ Also the horse-and-buggy industry…
9:24 PM Paul Wells - A note about how Ottawa works: our colleagues next door in the French press room were polled on whether they preferred the live English feed or the French-language simultaneous translation. They overwhelmingly picked the live feed. ‘Cause they’re bilingual, I’m saying.
9:45 PM Aaron Wherry - Duceppe used his water glass as a metaphor for an oil barrel. Then he drank from that glass. Make of this what you will.
9:52 PM Paul Wells - I believe there’s a rule that only the Conservatives are allowed to raise their opponents’ embarrassing former policies. Layton is completely breaking that rule. Harper ran the NCC? Ancient history.
9:56 PM Chris Selley - Anyone want to comment on the constitutional implications of installing Steve Paikin as an unelected speaker of the House of Commons?
9:58 PM Chris Selley - I wonder if Duceppe quietly fumes and interjects in his sleep.
10:03 PM Andrew Coyne - In other countries, culture is the expression of the nation. Only in Canada do we pretend it’s the other way around.
10:08 PM Aaron Wherry - Dion promises more fun. Just try to vote against that.
10:18 PM Paul Wells - Fun Harper biographical fact: When he ran in Calgary for his return to Parliament in 2002, he skipped all-candidates meetings (where his only half-prominentopponent would have been the New Democrat, because Libs and PC didn’t run against him). I wonder whether, when his eyes glaze over tonight, he’s dreaming of whatever he did back then when he wasn’t at the debates.
10:21 PM Andrew Coyne - I love it when Paikin calls bullshit. Politely.
10:37 PM Andrew Coyne - I hate it when Dion goes for the slogans. His whole stock in trade is sincerity, and he cheapens it when he does.
10:41 PM Kady O’Malley - Jack is weirdly obsessed with Exxon today.
10:46 PM John Geddes - If you say “I will not raise taxes” while drinking a glass of water it will cure your hiccups.
10:51 PM Chris Selley - Layton attempts to piggyback on May, misses, falls on face, attempts bad sweater joke.
10:55 PM Chris Selley - You know what would help Harper? New hair.

The full blog can be found here.


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