Saturday, April 5, 2008

On Seals and Clubs

Every time I write a post this controversial, I feel like I come out a bad guy. This time, I want to clearly state that I have given this topic little moral thought.

First, let's begin with a photograph found from somewhere on the internet. (If that's not acceptable sourcing according to Creative Commons, I don't know what is.)

Pardon the stream-of-consciousness as I point out each though that came to mind when I saw this:
  • Huh... Baby seals have more firm skin. They're probably slower than older ones. If your going to hunt a seal, might as well make it a good one.
  • Is that club specially designed for clubbing seals?
  • Why do they club seals anyway? Is it to protect the pelt?
  • Is that seal just sitting there? The clubber seems to be walking. Maybe he's sneaking up on it... Or maybe he's chasing it.
  • He's wearing a life-jacket. Did he not take it off after the trip? Or perhaps this is extreme dangerous work.
I don't actually care enough to look up the answers of these questions. Perhaps you do. If so, feel free to post a comment!

The next picture I came across (source: The Intercloud) is this one here:

Let's comment, shall we?
  • That guy seems to be really running. Maybe these seals are moving quickly! Or maybe it's an activist group that posed for the picture. (It's like a drive-by clubbing?)
  • Again with the same type of club! I found these pictures on different sites, so I guess my assumption on special seal-clubs was correct.
  • No life jacket... This guy must be living on the edge!

Final comments:
I've been told of certain areas where seals are overpopulated, and I've been told that seal hunting is extremely dangerous. To quote she who told me this, "You're more likely to die than the seal is!" She was very pro-clubbing, which I believe is a rarity. I know few people educated on the topic, so most opinions seem to be about one-on-one with the seals. (They compare it to animals we keep as pets. I don't kill my cat, though there is a feline problem in the city; why should I put a stray seal to sleep?) Other comparisons were drawn to human-overpopulated areas... but if I shared those analogies, racist comments would be left.

D. Phillips

Please, spade and neuter your pets!

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