Sunday, January 13, 2008

The story of the badly-clogged drain

Back before Christmas, our shower drain clogged. Immediate attempts to rectify this situation - mostly involving Drano, a toilet plunger, and a reshaped wire coat hanger - met with utter failure.

Figuring rightly that this wasn't an immediate concern - the only person to stay in this house over the holidays uses the other shower - I took no further action before heading home.

Upon returning to Brantford on January 6, it was clear that the situation had not magically resolved itself over the three weeks I was away. (Drat.) Ignoring the clog was no longer an option, calling a plumber would be expensive. Enter...

Liquid Plum-R Foaming Pipe Snake! Why was it, that when I was going down the cleaning products aisle, this was the drain cleaner that caught my eye? Well, the bottle is an odd shape - it actually contains two different chemicals, which are not mixed until poured down the drain. Also, it was on sale.

One bottle down the drain...there was an improvement. The water I used to flush down the cleaner now drained in approximately 24 hours, whereas before, it had been nearly a week. (Rarely have I ever been excited over a drain needing 24 hours to work properly.) A second bottle went down, and the time was decreased to 'less than overnight'. Finally, I poured down my third and final bottle, and had success. Huzzah! The drain was once again working properly!

And the punchline? Three bottles of Liquid Plum-R Foaming Pipe Snake cost me under ten dollars. A plumber would have charged much, much more.

So thank you, Liquid Plum-R, for doing what a toilet plunger and coat hanger could not.


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