Friday, January 11, 2008

The History of Peanuts (Part II)

(NB #1: I will be blogging about a lot more than Peanuts over the next while, don't fret.

NB #2: What does NB stand for?)

So, I mentioned the other day that I'd be going through the entire history of Peanuts, and posting strips I found reasonably funny for one reason or another. My initial plan was to do one post per year, but as I'm finding quite a number of strips worth blogging, it'll probably be about 6-8 strips per post.

Note that you can click on each full-strip for the correct size.

The first batch starts off with proof that five-year-olds had a much larger vocabulary in the fifties than they do now...

Really, I like to think I have an above-average vocabulary, but even I had never heard the word 'truism' until this past summer. Peanuts didn't stop at that, though, also make jokes that I can only see understood by musicians...

In the meantime, the "words today's kids wouldn't understand" trend continues with Snoopy's first-ever thought bubble...

While Snoopy has finally learned how to communicate his thoughts, Charlie Brown is grappling with a problem of his own...

Seriously, I didn't even know the 1890s had a nickname - much less one that, in a different context, could also be used for the 1990s.

Today, on the other hand, kids don't really want to do either of those activities.

Let's finish off this post with an eerie parallel to how most of you feel about this blog...


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