Thursday, September 24, 2009

98B Pieces of LED is needed for LED backlit LCD TV in 2010

Due to strong demand on LED for LCD Back lit. Taiwan’s (LED) and Korean chipmakers are planning to boost output next year.

Industry analysts estimate that the shipments of LED-lit LCD TVs to top 15-23 million systems worldwide next year, likely straining supplies of high-bright blue chips, which are essential for making white-light backlight modules.

Executives of Epistar estimated Taiwanese chipmakers will need to produce 200 more metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) chambers as to relieve excessive demands in 2010.

Each machine can produce five to six million chips, bringing the total output of the 200 machines to 1-1.2 billion chips a month or 12-14.4 billion chips a year.

We calculate that LED TVs will need an additional number of 10 billion high-bright blue chips throughout next year base on an assumption of an average *600 LED per LCD TV; 600x20,000,000=12 KKK pieces! You may not know how many is this 10B LEDs are!

We estimate that we will have 98B pieces of LED in 2010 and we will produce about 78B LED in 2009, that is an increase of 26%!

Epistar is said to add 70 new machines next year and have booked 30 new machines. Industry analysts estimate the company can afford to buy 100 new machines in consideration of the US$545 million in cash it has now. Formosa plans to add 30 MOCVD chambers next year.
Tekcore Corp. is raising capital to increase the number of machines to 34
Huga Optotech plans to buy 10 new machines this year and increase the number to 58 next year from this year’s 55.
Huga has co-founded a joint venture in Taiwan with Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd. to make backlight chips for LCD TVs and notebook computers.
Samsung would likely add another 90-100 MOCVD in 2010 for meeting the Demand.

* Ref. base on a rough estimation of 80% Edge Lit BLU TV Needs approx. 400 pcs per TV and 3000 LED for Direct Lit TV 20% as ratio of all of the LED Backlit TV.

Reference: Display bank, LEDs magazine, LED inside, LED global on line.

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