Monday, January 26, 2009

honeygarlic 3.0


I didn't hear you come in!

While you were gone, I thought I'd do some redecorating. How do you like it?

I know you were tired of all the blue, so was I - when we first got the place, it was blue, then Dan gave us even more blue in the spring. Brown, yellow, and various shades thereof make a nice change, don't you think?

I got us a new welcome mat, too! "A place devoid of sanity, of rules and structure, and so on," just wasn't getting the job done anymore. We can change the message if you don't like it.

You'll notice that the sidebar is over on the left now...again, I thought it was time for a change. Not that big of a deal.

I finally installed the blogroll you'd been nagging me about forever. I threw out that old 'blogs we know' gadget...I guess I should have saved it for a yard sale, but I just figured we didn't have a use for it anymore.

It's really something, the blogroll. Eleven different blogs - mostly written by people who've commented here once upon a time, a couple just because I like them - but only the five most recently-updated will show up at any given time, the others just hide somewhere in the machine.

But let me show you the best part. Look at the window. Now play around with it, so you can see it in different shapes and sizes. See it? No matter what size the window is, everything wraps to fit it - no more moving left and right, and no more wasted space for people with bigger resolutions!

And while I was at it, I updated our registration info to include 2009 - since, you know, it is 2009 and we're still here.

I hope you like it. It was hard doing this without any professionals.


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