Thursday, February 7, 2008

Writing a Bicycle

It's that time of year again! (Actually, it's well past that time of year...) Time to write your grandparents to express how much you love them for the nifty stuff they got you for Christmas!

What's that? You say you can't remember what they got you?

Don't worry; in their senility they probably forgot too!

Fortunately, I do remember one of the gifts my grandparents put in my gift basket. Socks! Overlooking the obvious joke about Christmas stockings, I must inform you that these socks were clad-iron tested on mountaineers climbing Mount Everest. They're hand-knit, and made from kid-hair! (I'm told there were no children shaved for the protection of my feet against the cold) But seriously though, these socks are legitimately of the warmest and best-quality I have ever, nay, will ever wear. I would go so far as to say they are worthy socks for the common man to dry clean.

But back to the point: We are writing a letter to our grandparents. I know we haven't done this in about a year, but once you get started I promise it will come back to you. To get you started, here's mine:

Dear Grammie and Granddad,

Thanks for those socks you gave me for Christmas! I finally got the opportunity to properly test-drive them, and I've got to say: These are hands down the best socks I've ever worn.

I'm tempted to say they rocked my socks, but I suppose the socks rocked me!

I can only hope you found your fancy for France is well fostered. This is peak-time for my assignments and mid-terms, so I'm especially jealous right now. I'll be expecting some kind of cheese from the trip! (Or a snail... that is what they eat there, isn't it?)

Your favorite grandson,

Dan Phillips

Note, in actuality I have no idea when the trip to France is (or was). I know it's probably around now-ish, but I could be off a month in either direction. To throw them off of my confusion, I overwhelmed that sentence with alliteration. Ambiguous? I think so!

So, get to it! Write your grandparents!

Your letter-writing skills will return, I promise!

D. Phillips

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