Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's almost over!

So I haven't been blogging much lately. And when I have, it hasn't been that good. Since I notice that the entire creative sector of the Internet seems to have taken a downturn lately, I'm going to blame it on February - after all, there have been studies that 'proved' February has much greater rates of depression than other months, why shouldn't that extend to creative output? Even worse, it's a leap year - meaning an extra 3.57% of February dreariness compared to most years.

Why am I rambling about this? I guess it's to say that my lack of decent blogging hasn't been due to lack of ideas, or lack of time, just lack of motivation. At least there's only two days left, right?

In the meantime, let's beat those winter doldrums with some games.

I might have linked Funny Farm here before, not entirely sure on that one. It's a word puzzle - a mind map of sorts. You start by listing things found on a farm, then you realize that the puzzle's a lot bigger than you thought it was. Warning: this may consume you for days on end.

ClickRed is nowhere near as life-consuming, but it's a fun little distraction for a few minutes. It's also really simple to explain - your goal is to click the red.

Hopefully I'll get to some other stuff on the weekend. Hopefully.


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