Monday, July 18, 2011

Chateau Mountain View

Dear Google,

T-shirts and jeans are fine, but sometimes, when we celebrate, we like to dress up.  Google might soon wish to celebrate one million Droid activations per day.  What shall we pour into our glasses for the toast?  

How about uncorking a bottle of “Chateau Mountain View?” 

Would you prefer the Widget White or the Recursive Red?

Wine makes a perfect high end marketing tool, announcing to the world that Google appreciates the finer things in life.  And like the finer things in life, there is never enough to go around.
A Parable
Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.
Teach a man to create an artificial shortage of fish,
He’ll eat steak.

Chateau Mountain View must command a super premium price to be taken seriously, let’s say $500 per bottle.  Of course we don’t want to sell wine, we want to give it away.  A bottle will be harder to get than an invitation to Google +.  I would provide free Google wine to the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington.  I trust this will generate a buzz.  I would give a bottle to the Google Employee of the Month.  All sales should be limited to no more than one case.

Chateau Mountain View must be classy, like that new Mercedes Benz spot featuring SVP Googler Gupta.  And when did Mercedes choose to air this spot?  During a “Hogan’s Heroes” marathon?” Eh, no.   They chose the number one golf tournament in the world, The Open Championship.  Classy.  No T-shirts or jeans are visible in Google HQ during the shooting of this commercial.  Hmm.

Chateau Mountain View will be a “sustainable” winery, in keeping with the Google “Do No Evil” policy.  The label will be made from recycled, Google office paper and we can have a contest for the label design.  The bottle’s shape could resemble a lava lamp.

“When only the best will do, pour Chateau Mountain View.”



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