Monday, July 18, 2011

Parsons Table Redo

Remember these?  I was supposed to blog about these last week showing you my finished product.  Well, of course I didn't get a chance to finish but at least I am almost there...  

I have one question for you?  I was thinking about continuing the green stripe down the middle of each of the 4 sides.  What do you think?  I feel like it needs a little more interest...

I still need to touch up with the Talipot Palm paint and give it a good coat of Water Based Polyurethane. Next up, where to put these guys????  Sell them or keep them?

Any and all feedback would be much appreciated.  
I spy Graham dog, do you?

On another note, I just could not wait another day to post about my foodie loves, so here I go.  Do you have a Whole Foods nearby?  If so, go immediately and get these three things and you can thank me later.  I am not one who often tries new things at the grocery.  When I know I like something, I will get it 100 times over.  But this past weekend I was stopped by the cheese guy who gave me a sample of the below trio....ummm, now words here for how good this stuff is.   You have to get all three in my opinion!  The perfect hors d'oeuvres-(seriously can never spell this word!!!)


(this is a pic of what's inside the yarra feta container)


An explosion of goodness in your mouth!!!!
The cows milk feta is creamy and smooth marinated in the most delicious herbs and olive oil.  And the Divina Red Roasted Tomatoes at Whole Foods are out of this world!!!!  All brought together with the most delicious wafer style cracker.  I'm telling you what, I have found my go to app here!  

*all images via google

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