Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tony Stark is German

In Germany, a lab technician named Patrick Priebe recreated Tony Stark’s repulsor-beam weapon. The maximum strength for consumer laser pointers in the U.S. is five milliwatts; Priebe’s laser beam is 1,000 milliwats easily strong enough to toast a piece of chicken in under a minute.

Priebe started his creation by sculpting a two-millimeter sheet of brass into a C-shape so that he would be able to slip the weapon onto his hand. He then made a large ring that holds a laser diode from a Casio projector and works as a heat sink. The device runs on 7.4 volts from lithium-ion batteries, which a component called a driver keeps from spiking dangerously and damaging the diode. Finally, Priebe, added the primer, filler, base coat and matte to give it a “Iron Man” look.

This laser might not be strong enough to engage in close combat battles against terrorists but it can scorch a CD, piece of wood, and out cook your conventional microwave.

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