Friday, April 17, 2009

Better than I expected

When somebody sent me a link to this morning, I immediately knew exactly what to expect just by looking at the URL.

It sounded exactly like the perfect address for an fmylife-style website for people to anonymously complain about the annoying habits of other people in their lives - housemates, co-workers, what have you - preferably in the form of strongly-worded letters beginning with "Dear _____".

I figured I'd get a few laughs from the best of the best of the site, then be able to blog about why I don't like the concept. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that

a) has absolutely no relevance to my complaints about Internet anonymity leading to the breakdown of social relationships, and;

b) is sort of awesome.

The actual principle behind the site is that people send in photographs of real-life passive-agressive notes they've stumbled across in their apartment building, workplace lunchroom, or wherever. You have to wade through a lot of crap, but some of the notes are actually pretty funny. Including the one that's currently at the top of the first page (if you're reading this later, look for one involving people named Dave).

A nice way to waste some time on the Internet. As if I haven't already given you enough of those.


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