Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photo story: The sport of rich people

People have different ways of dealing with frustration. Some go for escapism - getting lost in a movie, TV show, book, or music (speaking of which, check out Wolf Parade; you'll be glad you did). Others might look for a more physical outlet, a way to release some aggression. Yet others will turn to creativity - pouring a tremendous amount of effort into art, or writing, or something of that nature.

Another group - and if you haven't guessed by now, this is the group I consider myself a part of - abhors cliché and looks for a way to combine some of the above ideas. For example, a creative way to let out aggression. And that's what this is.

Well, okay, that's not what *this* is. This is my house. Notice that there's a rather large gap between windows, and that it faces a parking lot. I wonder what I can do with that...


Now, before we go any further, I should bring a few things to your attention.

I am not a tennis player. In fact, before this, I had not even picked up a tennis racket in at least six years. And even then, I wasn't good.

I do not have even an average level of coordination, meaning I embarrass myself almost every time I try anything even vaguely athletic.

Those windows could presumably break if hit by a tennis ball traveling at a decent speed.

Nonetheless, I thought this was a good idea.

The house is obviously a tough opponent, but that didn't deter Dan from taking a surprisingly good 'bring it on!' photo.

Repeatedly bouncing the ball to prove that there are some feats even I can accomplish. Or maybe because it makes for a good picture.

Coolly intercepting the rebound as a bus looks on.

Pleading with the heavens after the ball went over the roof? I don't know what else I'd be doing here.

But if I was pleading, it worked, as the ball somehow landed squarely in the three-inch gap between my fence and my neighbour's fence.

Dan got in on the act too!

So I didn't break any windows. But it was actually pretty fun. Aside from the part where I discovered just how horribly conditioned I am (running back and forth for three angle shots was enough to wind me!). I'll probably do it again sometime.


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