Friday, July 22, 2011

My Top Emerging Influential Blogs for 2011

I was born to be a singer, but not a blogger.  In my wildest dream I never thought that I will be one.  By profession, I am a programmer, who actually hates programming languages, but loves to talk, photograph, paint, sing and eat.  A typical office girl, who turned out to be a Work at Home Mom later on, and just recently doing nothing but be a chef in our home and a husband's princess taking care of our 2 year old toddler,  I started looking for things that can help me express my BLAHs in life.  I still remember my teenage years where my writings on the EDITORIAL page of our school paper be considered as a FEATURE article, and vice versa. That makes me really hate reading and writing.  But preferences of individual changes as time goes by. Out of boredom staying at home, I became active of different social networking sites until I found myself telling a story there about everything...that's the beginning of my blogging.  Lately, to my surprise, I won on 4 different blog contests in a matter of 4 months.  That makes me realize that BLOGGING is for everyone, as long as you write, express, read and listen to other's blahs in life, i think it will work out well. One more thing I learned from BLOGGING, it is a PASSION, not a job, nor a duty.  Just be YOURSELF when writing, and you even don't need to sound too technical in your writings (unless needed)  and you will go a very long way.  It is tantamount to say that on this journey of blogs, other's writings affects me (and perhaps even you). So now I am going to mention my Top Blogs that influenced me personally:

1. ECHUSERA - Your Showbiz and Entertainment Blog -  I find it entertaining, especially on my SUPER BOREDOM Moments.  I never failed to peek on this one, to brag the latest CHIKA to my showbiz-addictus peeps hahaha.
2. CERTIFIED FOODIES.COM - I am a "Certified Foodie" and I love food trip so I think I really don't need to explain why this blog has influenced me. :p
3. JINKY'S KITCHEN WORLDLately, I was inclined to cooking (late bloomer) since I love to eat, there comes a time that I thought I need to learn how to cook (for budget purposes).  That's the beginning of my cooking enthusiasm and this blog helped me a lot!
4. MOMMY SURVIVAL - I can relate to her posts.  This blog is recommended for those moms out there looking for an advice through the author's experience how to "survive" being a mom :).
5. MOMMY ON THE GO - (this blog)  My own diary.  A reflection of being a contest/promo/freebies addict. This blog started less than a year, and has won 4 times on a different blog contest.  This blog also influenced me to make a contest information Facebook fanpage for the benefit of my friends who keeps on asking me what are the ongoing contests.  :p
6. WHEN I'M HUNGRY - Yes, when I am hungry...I often visits this blog. Anything goes, snacks, foods featured as long as it isn't poisonous hehehe.
7.  BLOG-PH - I'm a KIKAY mom, here I found out nice tips about fashion :)
8. OPINYONEYTED.COM - This blog is one of the recent blogs added in my list.  I found it very interesting and entertaining. A mixture of personal point of views and recent happenings here and the fact that the owner of the blog is a very cheerful person :)  
9. BLOGGER'S JOURNAL - This blog is very helpful when it comes to blogging tips, facts and ideas.  A very helpful one for a blogger like me.
10. THE PEPPERRIFIC LIFE - A blog owned by a single mom, this one is indeed an inspiration on mom's like me on how to handle life's tough situations.


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