Friday, July 15, 2011

Circle of Trust

I have decided to start posting, once a week (hopefully) on what's happening at Novel.  I've gotta thing for yellow these days...why yellow?  Well, I suppose it has something to do with the fact that it makes me think of
Do any of you suffer from that seasonal depression thing?  You know what I'm talking about?  Well, I have it.  I'm convinced.  I LOVE the summertime.  My happiest time of the year!  The long days, beach, boating, tans, etc.... 

 I am not a fan of cold, dreary, wintry weather.  You?  

So, I'm getting to my point. YELLOW.  I thought I would feature some of my YELLOW finds around Novel. to tie this post all together.  Right....

This idea may have all started with my to go lunch from Caviar and Bananas?!?!?!

Out of this world yellow tomato, feta and watermelon stacked salad garnished with mint.  I could eat it everyday.  I so should have taken a picture of it because it was truly beautiful but guess what, I didn't.  My camera was even sitting in the off position right beside me.  Next time.  On with this post...

Jane Pope Collection
Vertical Monera Ring

Library: Archives of Fashion
The Forever Scarf

Blue Chickadee
Yellow Circles
4 part painting

Can you guess where I got my inspiration?  Love this above photo.  Two of my favorite combos.  Circles and Chevron, all in yellow to boot!!!

PS.  I have to share my plans for tomorrow night because I am so excited!!!  Any of you seen Horrible Bosses?  I'm going with Big R tomorrow night and I honestly cannot wait!  I want to laugh out loud til my cheeks hurt!!!  Have a great weekend!

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