Friday, July 22, 2011


I just returned from a quick trip to Pawleys Island with the kiddos to visit my folks.....and to have my boys photographed by my great friend Emily.  (you must go to her website/blog and check out her portfolio..NOW)
I must say 15 months is a difficult age to get photographed.  Mr. Big would not sit still, always running straight to the water and Little R of course going in the opposite direction.  I wish I had taken pictures of the complete chaos but I was too busy running around catching Mr. Big.  Once Emily posts the pics, I will most definitely share.
  Back to our trip, we had a blast but it went by too quickly.   I may have mentioned before, but Pawleys is truly my favorite place on earth.  I can't get enough of the place.   This is where I came every summer growing up, so my best memories are here.  Time stands still.  
This was my last trip of the summer so I thought I would share a few of my favorite shots from around the house...

driftwood found under the house after hurricane hugo

zig zag painted pillow blue chickadee

heron painting by your truly

shells collected by the crew

navy heron pillow also by blue chickadee

the crew

*you may understand now where I get my love of stripes:)

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