The Office, for one.
(And no, I have no idea what that picture is, other than that you eventually run across it if you GIS "Winnipeg" and look through the results long enough.)
The American version of The Office isn't technically headed to Winnipeg per se, but at least one character is going to a conference in Winnipeg, and The Office's producers are trying to make their Winnipeg sets as realistic as possible. So reports - who else? - the Canadian Press.
Hopefully this creates less of a frenzy than the Simpsons going to Toronto a few years ago did, and isn't quite as much of a disappointment.
And while I'm here, a quick comment on The Office as a show. If I hadn't been watching it for a few years, I wouldn't be watching it now. If I stumbled across it and started watching it for the first time this week, I wouldn't watch it again.
It used to be a good, clever, funny show. It used to be about the goings-on of an office, and the people who work therein. Now, it's about a bunch of people who happen to work at a certain office.
I mean, I know it's hard to think of 24 good premises each year, but surely they could have done a little better than "put a bunch of people in relationships so people watch Pam and Jim be cute/Michael and whoever be awkward/Andy and Angela be whatever they are"?
It's the exact same turn that was taken by Scrubs, Studio 60, and probably a bunch of other shows I've never seen that were originally about a subject, not about the relationships between the main cast, only it's bothering me even more with The Office.
I've heard the original British version was really good, maybe I'll try finding that. British comedy's generally something a little drier than Wedding Crashers, right?
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