Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The wheels on the bus

(Before I begin, a quick shoutout to Hell, Upside Down for linking to one of my election posts in a section entitled "thoughts from blogs I've never heard of"! It might be a technicality, but I'm officially part of the blogosphere!)

Today's Brantford Expositor contains some very good news for anybody who ever uses Brantford Transit. In short, city council is looking to spend about $20 million (most of that money coming from Toronto and Ottawa) to replace older buses, upgrade the bus terminal, and increase the number of routes and runs.

The best news of all? The proposed phasing out of Dial-A-Bus.

For anybody fortunate enough to have not lived in Brantford and thus know nothing about Dial-A-Bus...I've lived here for over two years now, and I don't know any more than you do. The entire Sputnik news team was unable to figure it out, and when we asked Brantford Transit for information, they gave us a map.

Of course, I'm not that picky - the three routes that run overnight and on weekends get me anywhere I'd ever need to go by bus, so I've never had to use Dial-A-Bus. But the Expositor argues that West Brant and the northwest corner of the city both need expanded service - and since I never visit either of those parts of town, who am I to disagree?

I also like the idea of improving the downtown terminal - I'm originally from Kitchener, where we have a real downtown bus terminal. One gets the impression that were Tim Horton's not interested in having a location in the terminal, the 'terminal' would simply be a ticket window.

And unlike Kitchener, people seem to actually ride the bus in Brantford. This is a good thing - who'd have thought that the most dangerous city in Ontario would do their part for the environment?


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