I'm sitting here, left with the task of doling out candy to children (or pretending I'm not home, but I've got the candy, so that would be a waste). And I just had a thought.
When I was a kid, I'd be at least getting ready to go out by now, if not out already, and some really young kids would have likely been by already (possibly cousins showing off their costumes).
But not only has nobody been by yet...there's no way I ever went out trick-or-treating when the sun was still shining so brightly. Or at all.
I pondered this oddness for a moment.
Then I realized the culprit - last year, daylight savings time was pushed back a few weeks. Oh sure, it's great for farmers, and allegedly for heart attacks (my thinking on that one is that it's the extra hour of sleep gained/lost that causes the drop/rise in heart attacks, nothing else), but what about the kids who are now going out an hour later, returning home an hour later, gorging themselves to the point of a sugar high an hour later, and crashing an hour later?
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