Sunday, July 4, 2010

Playing catch-up and putting it on a big burger

So like I said, I haven't blogged for a while. But I have been bookmarking stuff to blog about, so let's have a gander at what's in that folder.


There's a new world record for the world's biggest hamburger. An Australian chef spent over 24 hours cooking the 90kg monstrosity, the article, as they don't allow hotlinking. Boo.

Nonetheless, this article fails to answer what I consider the most important question about the story--what happened to the burger? Did people eat it? I assume so, because it wouldn't last long in a museum and what's the point of cooking a burger if you don't want it eaten? But how did people eat it? Clearly you'd need one heck of a knife to cut something that big, but even then, how can you get single-serving portions that contain each ingredient?

Really, making the burger isn't that interesting. Great. You made a big hamburger. Ho hum. Now what are you going to do with it? That's the real question.


I guess I could ask the same question about CTV buying the set from Friends.

Okay, great, you've got a television set. But what can you possibly do with it? It's not going to make you a lot of money, people aren't going to pay $50 to stand around and look at where a sitcom was filmed. And you can't really reuse it, because it's too steeped in mystique for any show (especially one that already has to live with the stigma of being Canadian) to use without evoking memories of "Hey, those guys are on the set from Friends!".

Gotta say, though, I love the little jab that CBC took at their rival in the report. "These guys have a bunch of new shows, but they're most excited about furniture! Aren't their screwed up priorities just adorable?".


Finally, because I'm still on a New Pornographers kick, here's Alan Cross interviewing two of them (part one of a 20-minute interview):


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