Thursday, June 5, 2008


It's not *too* late to talk about Obama's big win on Tuesday, is it?

For those of you who stopped paying attention months ago, it's now official - Barack Obama against John McCain in November - winner gets to be President, loser gets to be irrelevant (as the Leader of the Opposition doesn't exist in the US the way it does here).

The good news for all of us is that American politics will simmer down for the bulk of the summer - they'll each name their VPs at some point, and then things'll pick back up around August.

If cynicism has taught me anything, the Republicans will spend the break looking for ways to tarnish Obama's image, while the Democrats will come up with policy ideas (something Obama needs to win the general election, he can't just coast on 'change' in November).

I should probably have more to say here, but I don't. Not sure whether it's my return to full-time work, or just the nomination process having gone on for so long, but I legitimately don't feel like writing any more about this subject. I'm really only doing this much because I didn't want it to pass unmentioned.


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