Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bye bye Brantford

After four years, minus summers, yesterday I packed up and left Brantford. Not for the last time, but for the last time as a full-time resident--I might spend a night or two here or there while I've still got a place, but it's now most definitely my second home (perhaps third before long).

It wasn't easy. As much as I might joke about the downtown, the boredom, the wow-this-is-not-a-great-city-ness...I'm going to miss Brantford.

So here's to you, Brantford. Here's to your hockey hair, your long underwear, and multi-coloured money. Here's to saying please, your ducks and geese, and to always being funny.

Oh wait. That's something else.

What can I say about Brantford? I've made some great friends, learned a lot, and had a lot of fun. Possibly in that order. But all of that will stay with's some of the stuff that won't:

I'll miss being able to walk to 95% of all places I would ever want to go.

I'll miss the West Street Slalom--driving down West past Charing Cross, hitting neither pedal until braking for the turn at Clarence.

I'll miss not being in town for October's elections--nine candidates running for mayor, perhaps more to come, and no shortage of unintentional hilarity.

Along the same lines, I'll miss Winston Ferguson (aka Bucky, aka The Real Mayor Of Brantford, aka the guy who goes around downtown on a pink scooter.)

I'll miss the Mormons who think Dan's name is 'Hristo'.

I'll miss The Slowest McDonald's In The World.

I'll miss Admirals, even if I was only there twice a year. Also Sooho (more often) and Warmington's (less).

Speaking of things I rarely used, I'll miss the Beer Store at Murray and Grey...such a bizarre, out-of-place location, yet always busy.

I'll miss walking past Post House and trying to remember which window was mine.

I'll miss not knowing what "progressive pragmatism" is--not only that, but being around others who [i]actively[/i] don't know what "progressive pragmatism" is.

I'll miss the workout playground, and the playgrounds I actually knew the locations of.

I'll miss The Big Hole On Campus...but that's gone no matter what.

I'll miss Tim Philp, who bookended my university run nicely with his coverage of the 2006 municipal election and his telling me to find another career.

And I'll miss a lot more that I can't think of right now.


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