Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where all the lights are bright

So let's talk downtown.

For all the grief I give downtown Brantford, I have to admit that it's come a long way. Even in the not-quite-three years I've been living in or near downtown, I've seen drastic improvements. Normal Brantfordites actually come downtown for entertainment now, rather than hide from it.

But that's not to say it's perfect. The south side of Colborne is still home to silhouette people (although Laurier and the Y are looking to change that), Williams is the only business that can survive in Market Square, and well I still wouldn't want to sit on one of the Victoria Park benches.

So this week, when I saw a couple different downtown-related initiatives, I was thrilled.

For one, the City of Brantford has put up an online survey asking students for their input on downtown. It's actually worth your time to fill out, as they ask some fairly specific questions. They even give you a spot to list exactly what businesses you'd like to see downtown that aren't already there (I suggested a movie theatre and a used bookstore). On top of all that, there's a random draw for a prize of some sort!

Additionally, the City is looking at expanding the bus terminal, one proposal calling for a new farmers' market at the same location.

Part of this is necessary. The Brantford bus terminal isn't a terminal so much as a kiosk with a Tim Horton's counter. If it's cold, windy, or rainy, odds are you'll be stuck outside waiting for your bus. The staff can't do anything more helpful than give you a transit map. An expanded terminal would...well, it would give you a place to wait for your bus in inclement weather.

Not quite so sure on the farmers' market proposal. I've only been to the existing one a handful of times, but I don't think they're exactly bursting at the seams capacity-wise. Plus I can't imagine parking being as good near the bus terminal, and considering how many people come from distant parts of Brantford or beyond, that could create a problem.

Still, there's reason for optimism. I have only vague memories of what downtown was like for the first little while I was in Brantford, but I'm positive it's improved since. As the school keeps expanding, the City keeps up their hot streak of good ideas to get people downtown, and silhouettes keep disappearing, downtown Brantford is going to have a renaissance.


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