The thing about a slice of fifty-year-old pop culture is that sometimes it will intentionally reflect things prevalent in its own time, which become unintentionally even more hilarious half a century later. Take the punchline to this comic, which also includes proof that the "apple for the teacher" idea has probably never actually happened.

My dedication to presenting these strips in chronological order prevents me from having running themes - the other two in this batch also fit the anachronism motif (wow I sound elitist), but this one doesn't. It's the introduction of a character who didn't have much to do and didn't last very long!

Now we get back to the era-based humour - and the early days of the Santa Claus mythos - but I have another question. Why is Patty in Charlie Brown's house, if they're not related and clearly each doing their own thing?

Finally, for this batch, Schroeder clears up a popular misconception of his idol. Lou Bega wouldn't be born for another twenty years!

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