Friday, August 12, 2011

Hazel Chua Eliminated from the Biggest Loser

For almost three months, the Biggest Loser Pinoy Edition contestants Raffy Tan and Hazel Chua had consoled and encouraged each other as they faced the physical and emotional challenges inside the Biggest Loser camp.

But after Hazel was eliminated from the competition last Tuesday (August 9), they have to continue transforming their lives, separately and by themselves.

The 22 year-old was voted out by majority of the remaining Bigating Pinoy including Angela, Art, Ryan, and Larry. They said Hazel is more ready to go out of the camp than Winwin, who joined her in the elimination ceremony.

As Angela put it, Hazel is already a butterfly while the 18 year-old Winwin is still sleeping in her cocoon. The two fell below the yellow line during the weigh-in after gaining a pound each despite their strenuous marine camp training.

Larry, whose “six-pack” is starting to show, was declared the Biggest Loser of the week for shedding three lbs. or 1.59% of his previous weight.

Before the tearful elimination ceremony, Raffy kissed Hazel, who served as his inspiration inside the camp. Their parting was painful but it did solidify the trust they have for each other.

Hazel even said she is confident that Raffy will prevail as the program’s first Biggest Loser. “I believe so much in Raffy and I know he’ll do everything to be the first winner of the Biggest Loser Pinoy Edition,” she said.

She also vowed to go through an extreme transformation to wow the campers and the program’s loyal followers in the grand finale. However, Hazel said that as early as now she can say she’s already a changed person.

“The BL camp really changed how I view life. I can now walk with my head up and not try to hide my face in shame. I’m a more disciplined and a much happier person now because I feel good inside and out,” she revealed.

While life goes on for Hazel, same goes for Raffy and the remaining Bigating Pinoys Andy, Art, Angela, Larry, Leigh, Ryan, and Winwin. On this round, they are faced with a tough challenge from game master Derek Ramsay that tests not just their discipline in training and eating, but also in strategizing.

For this week’s immunity, the contenders will race each other in dropping 2% of their current weight. They will be given a one-time-only weigh-in access card, so they will have to gauge themselves to be sure they’ve already lost enough weight before they stand on the weighing scale.

Making this week even tougher for them is a new rule during the weigh-in. Instead of two, four Bigating Pinoys will fall under the yellow line and undergo the elimination ceremony.

Find out the different tactics the Bigating Pinoys will employ to acquire immunity and avoid being booted from the camp. Watch how they will handle another unanticipated twist that will intensify the competition even more.

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