Cool Case for Notebook Protector and Coolant - Nowadays almost every people has a notebook, There's so many things that you have to do to maintain your notebook such as avoiding the overheat temperature. normally people use a USB powered cooling fan to avoit these problem, but now you can try this cool case a notebook protector and coolant.
It will prevent overheating by almost 25% and at the same time act as a unique cover for your notebook. The designing is such that it helps boost a laptop’s inbuilt cooling mechanism, thereby increasing the performance level and life of a laptop.
Typing important notes while traveling in a bus/ playing music at a party organized at home, and the thought of damaging your electronic item scares you, then The Cool Case is a must have. Looking like a chair when opened, it will carefully guard your laptop and also act as a stand for it. Such an added protection will kill all fears of damaging it, even if you are using your notebook outdoors or carrying it from one place to the other.
With a range of colors to choose from and flexibility to carry it anywhere, this device will surely make things easy in terms of cooling and shelter for your notebook. here's more picture of this Cool Case for Notebook.

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