Sunday, February 28, 2010
NEW!!!!! Small Notecards by blue chickadee!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
SM Sta.Mesa Becomes a HotSpot w/ Free Wi-Fi
Rushing on the last day of the second month of the year, SM Sta Mesa, specifically the SM Sta Mesa Foodcourt, hosted a Wi-Fi Bloggers' Event from 1pm to 4pm where we tried to stress test their connection effeciency.
This is what Speedtest have to say:
The figures are actually
Horror Version of Famous Fairy Tale

I'm sure that all of you was familiar with Cinderella characters since Cinderella fairy tale is one of the famous fairy tale all over the world. on the fairy tale it was told that cinderella is a beautiful girls who work as a maid for her step mother.The moral of the story is that beauty is a treasure, but graciousness is priceless. Without it nothing is possible; with it, one can do anything.
One day the Prince invited all the young ladies in the land to a ball so he could choose a wife. As the two Stepsisters were invited, they gleefully planned their wardrobes. Although Cinderella assisted them and dreamed of going to the dance, they taunted her by saying a maid could never attend a ball.
As the sisters swept away to the ball, Cinderella cried in despair. Her Fairy Godmother magically appeared and vowed to assist Cinderella in attending the ball. She turned a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, and lizards into footmen. She then turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown, complete with a delicate pair of glass slippers. The Godmother told her to enjoy the ball, but return before midnight for the spells would be broken.
OK now how if the beauty of cinderella was paint in horror?? all the image below was the horror version of a world famous fairy tale character such as mulan, snow white, princess jasmine and several other famous fairy tale character.

Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Real Lizardman From India - Navratan Harsh | Indian Lizardman

Well several days ago we talk about kumar paswan who is known as the indian boy with seven limbs. now we got another bizarre man from India. he is Navratan Harsh, this teenagers from india was called as the real lizard man. uurgh it's really disgusting when i see a lizard on his face. how can Navratan stand out of those disgusting lizard??
Meet Navratan Harsh, a 21-year-old from Bikaner, Rajasthan state, India, with a bizarre passion for animals, especially Geko lizards.
Navrathan has been fascinated by lizards, ever since he was a young boy and one fell in his lap, at school. Ever since then, he has spent most of his days feeding and playing with his scaly friends, and even letting them crawl on his face. Around his village, Navratan Harsh is known as Gecko King and Mowgli, because of his close connection with wildlife.
Unlike other boys his age, who spend most of their time partying and getting drunk, Navratan searches for lizards, plays and trains them, and them lets them go free. He says he feels no pain or fear when lizards bite his face…Creepy stuff!

Insurance companies are hiking the rates for auto insurance
2009 turns into 2010, the winter ice and snow has been particularly hard this year. It even affected Florida which shows how climate change is related to local weather patterns. Needless to say, the number of traffic accidents has been at an all-time high. No-one is ever ready for ice on the roads. Yet, all round the country, ice is coming through the mail boxes. The insurance companies are sending out notices chilling our desire to drive - premium rates are being hiked. And this time, it's not just a few percent. In most states, it's averaging at around 10%. So we are not talking peanuts. This is serious money while the US is in recession and millions of people are out of work. What's the result? If it comes down to a choice between food on the table and an insurance policy, food wins every time. Everyone has to eat and everyone needs a vehicle - even in the bigger cities, public transport is a joke. So, when push comes to shove, more people will drive uninsured. That's bad news for the rest of us. Our premiums will rise with fewer policy holders sharing the rising costs of claims. If only the insurers would hold the premiums steady, more people could pay, and rates would stay lower for longer. If only. . .
So why are insurance companies hiking the rates? There are two common problems. The first is the broken healthcare service. Whenever there's a more serious traffic accident, most people go to hospital. The obvious injuries are treated. Bodies are examined to ensure there are no other injuries. Except, the moment anyone steps through the door of a hospital or clinic, the medical expenses meter starts to run. Despite the recession, the drugs industry and healthcare service suppliers have been increasing their prices. There have been some high-profile disputes between insurers and hospital groups in California and Connecticut. The current fight is between the Continuum Health Partners of New York and United Healthcare. The hospitals have agreed pay increases with the labor unions, new technology is expensive to instal and operate. They want more money. The insurer is looking for a reduction in charges of between 7 and 10%. It's painful to admit but, in this fight, the insurers are actually protecting us policy holders.
The second problem is equally easy to explain. When we claim, the insurer should have the money to pay. This money comes from cash reserves and all the different state Insurance Departments monitor the amounts held to ensure there's always sufficient set aside. It's standard for insurers to hold this money on investment so, when the recession came, they were slow to move out of stocks and bonds, and all the larger insurers lost a slice of their capital. Commissioners are offering their local insurers a choice. Either reduce the number of people holding policies or add more to your cash reserves. This forces companies to raise premiums and so, sadly, it's getting more difficult to find affordable auto insurance. Even with the use of this site's excellent search engine, it's hard to find policies with lower rates. When you get the multiple auto insurance quotes, check through to find those with lower premiums. For good terms, look at the discounts available from these companies. Think about accepting a higher deductible. Using the auto insurance quotes as a starting point, negotiate directly with the insurers. Affordable policies are out there. You just have to work harder to find them.
Attention LBS Developers: Two days left to register for NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge in South America
The 2010 NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge is now in full swing. Last week NAVTEQ revealed the winners of the EMEA region in Barcelona.
In other exciting news developers who make it to the semi-final now have the choice of two Samsung handsets: the class leading Omnia II running Windows Mobile, and now also the just-announced Samsung Wave. The Wave is the first Samsung device to be powered by Samsung's new open platform bada (the Korean word for ocean or sea).
This year's competition welcomes developers from India and South America with tracks established for the first time in both regions.
In Brazil, dozens of NAVTEQ geographic analysts, located in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Recife use local knowledge and local contacts to collect and verify details of the roads. They drive thousands of kilometers each year and have local knowledge of road network changes helping to make NAVTEQ maps the freshest and most up-to-date.
Known for their quality, NAVTEQ maps are built to a single data specification allowing customers to easily and cost-effectively move into new markets by optimizing their development efforts in one country for use in another. In addition to maps for Brazil, NAVTEQ provides maps in Latin America for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. A dedicated technical customer support team is available to assist customers with integrating NAVTEQ maps into applications.
Sample map data for participating in the South America track can be downloaded in different formats from http://www.nn4d.com/site/global/market/lbs_challenge/develop/map_data/p_mapdata.jsp, provided by NAVTEQ Network for Developers™ (NN4D).
Key Dates for South America:
- February 26, 2010 – South American Registration Deadline
- March 26, 2010 – South American Submissions Deadline
- April 14-15, 2010 – Semifinal Judging, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- May 26, 2010 – Final Judging, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- May 27, 2010 – Award Ceremony, Sao Paulo, Brazil
The awards ceremonies for the other regions are as follow:
- North America: March 30, 2010 on stage directly after the opening keynote of the O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference at the Marriott in San Jose (CA), USA
- India: April 29, 2010 at NAVTEQ event in New Delhi, India
- APAC: June 14, 2010 in Singapore - the day before CommunicAsia
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
ASUS Motherboards now has Burnt Warranty
Asus offers the Burnt Warranty policy with the objective of highlighting motherboard performance, reliability and safety.
This is in conjunction with the recent ASUS exclusive Anti-surge feature which protect consumers’ PCs from sudden power fluctuations. I say it's a timely
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Making health insurance cheaper for small businesses
Health insurance spendings account for a large part of business activity costs, and their share is especially large with small businesses and home-based enterprises. And with the continuous trends in rates increase it's getting harder and harder for small enterprises to carry this burden, causing many small businesses to drop health coverage benefits altogether.
A recent study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund in New York has concluded that small businesses tend to pay 18% more for health insurance than their larger counterparts all across the country. That's because large enterprises have a better negotiating power due to larger numbers of workers to be insured. Having that in mind, being despaired about the thing won't help your small business much. About 60% of 46 million people in the US who have no health insurance coverage are employed by small enterprises and these numbers keep on growing. Such tendencies are no good news for small businesses, because qualified and better workers tend to pay much attention to health benefits at the enterprise and not having them lowers your chance of attracting workers who will help develop your business better.
In order to cope with the Catch 22 situation here, you have to learn how to minimize your healthcare costs and provide your employees with the benefits they deserve. Here are some tips on how to get exactly what you need:
1. Keep the workers healthy. Instead of fighting the consequences and paying for costly medical coverage, you can invest into your workers' health and promote different wellness programs at your business. Introduce regular screenings, check-ups and promote a healthy lifestyle by offering your employees free gym sessions or other benefits. It's much easier to prevent a disease rather than treat it.
2. Lower the coverage. Larger coverage amounts lead to higher premiums and a logical solution for this would be lowering the coverage. You can also ask your employees to partially contribute to the premiums if they want to keep the initial coverage amounts. Of course, this would be quite unpopular among your employees but if your small business insurance plan is in question you have to consider going with such unpopular measures.
3. Think about HSAs. Health savings accounts are gaining popularity amongst small business owners as they provide more flexibility and tax benefits than typical health insurance options. HSAs combine high-deductible health insurance plans with tax-free savings accounts, making the premiums you have to pay lower, and providing more saving options to your employees. And the fact that all withdrawals are tax-free makes it a great option for those who want to get great small business insurance health coverage without constraining the enterprise's budget.
4. Team up with other small businesses. You can join an association or buying union who other local small businesses in order to gain better rates. Such associations provide small enterprises the bargain power of big companies because when combined, such groups have a large number of employees to be insured which eventually leads to more competitive premiums compared to going off alone. Member fees are usually quite low with such groups while the benefits are great, so think about joining one of you have in your area. This might give you good rates on other forms of small business insurance as well.
Reading Week reading
I got through three books from start to finish in Florida - in the spirit of the Olympics, two were about hockey, in the spirit of being in a foreign land, all were by Canadians. Here's what I thought of them.

There were two books available this hockey season about oh wow the Leafs suck. This one, by the Toronto Star's Dave Feschuk and The Globe And Mail's Michael Grange, and Why The Leafs Suck by Al Strachan of the Toronto Sun.
I chose Abomination over the other one because, upon quick glance, it seemed more light-hearted and fun than Strachan's book (for example, it was priced at $19.67, a price any Leafs fan can understand quite quickly). Abomination turned out to have a fair bit more legitimate journalism than I expected - not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm still pining for a book that chronicles the mid-90s, the last era in which I was a Leafs fan, when the Leafs trotted out no-hope players like Mark Kolesar, David Harlock, and Sean Haggerty one after another.
Abomination sums up the history of the Leafs quite succintly, going from Conn Smythe to Stafford Smythe to Harold Ballard to the present day, hitting all the key points along the way. But the majority of the words are saved for the present day - Feschuk and Grange seem to think one of the major problems with the Leafs is the absence of a single, public owner in the vein of Smythe and Ballard, and go to great lengths to paint different figures within MLSE and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan as sharing the responsibilities of a true owner (interviewing most of them).
The writing is crisp - a few minor copy-editing errors, but overall a decent quality (as it should be, considering the authors are two longtime newspaper sports reporters). All chapters end with 'The Leafs do it again', a few short blurbs detailing great Leaf blunders since 1967.
The conclusions Grange and Feschuk reach - that corporate fans are still fans who attend Leaf games because they like the Leafs, and that the Leafs will not likely achieve on-ice success until they have a sole owner in the mould of Smythe and Ballard, as OTPP is ultimately more concerned, as any corporate owners would be, with the bottom line - are not particularly original or inspiring, but they are laid out in such a way that they do make sense.
A good book for anybody with a strong interest in the Leafs, otherwise take a pass.
Douglas Coupland's latest novel (released 2009) is also the first Coupland book I have ever read. Some have claimed that Generation A is too derivative of Generation X, Coupland's breakthrough hit twenty years ago, but having never read X, I can say that I mostly enjoyed Generation A for what it was.
The plot, without giving away anything major: In the near future (2022 if the math adds up), honeybees are thought to be extinct. Suddenly, over the course of a few weeks, five people around the world are stung. The five victims are taken to special buildings designed for this possibility, where they are isolated and medically tested for about a month - then they're sent home. Before long, the five of them are brought together in Alaska - and that's when things get weird.
The first half of the book - everything up until they meet in Alaska, really - is superb. Each chapter alternates through the point-of-view of a different stingee, and I was able to distinguish between the characters after one chapter of each - four of them, I was able to compare their characteristics to people I know in real life - but none of them felt like a cliché, like they'd been done before. (Admittedly, Samantha from New Zealand was flat and never really defined, but she's the only exception.)
But when the characters get together, the storytelling takes a more literal turn - the actual interaction between the five is almost completely dropped, instead they each, at the urging of a scientist, tell stories to each other. The stories serve as little parables of the entire book, taking into account information we already know about the characters from our introductions to them - and while I suppose there is a bit of literary merit in the parables, they get boring after a while and do not make for a fun read.
Things get even stranger at the very end, as the (real) story takes a few unexpected twists and turns - the last one of which I still don't really understand.
On a tangenial note - in the chapters told through the eyes of the Canadian, Coupland frequently mentions specific Canadian things (newspapers, foods, stores, etc.). Robert J. Sawyer likes to do the same thing, and I find it one of his most irritating characteristics as a writer - yet I have no problem with Coupland doing it. The difference? Coupland mentions them in passing - "Lucy stopped at Mac's Milk for a lottery ticket" - while Sawyer, choosing to bore his audience rather than potentially alienate them, explains every Canadian reference in excruciating detail.
Overall, Generation A is a book that starts out great, drags itself down to decent, and finishes up weird. At least you won't be guessing the ending before you get there.
Stephen Brunt has long been considered the best sportswriter in Canada, and I'd start expanding that honour - even though he mainly writes about sports, he's one of the best writers in Canada.
I've read a few of Brunt's books in the past, going back as far as Diamond Dreams, his 1996 history of the first twenty years of the Toronto Blue Jays' existence. Diamond Dreams demonstrates Brunt's amazing ability at pure journalism - exhaustively resarching an issue, getting quotes from key players, and distilling it all into an interesting book - but the prose isn't anything special. Gretzky's Tears combines that journalistic ability with some excellent writing, beautiful descriptions of hockey and what it means to Canadians (occasionally and sharply contrasted with lines like "Bruce McNall was pretty much fucked").
Gretzky's Tears is a mini-biography of Wayne Gretzky - going through his childhood and junior career, but only relaying information that relates to its central themes. All those themes can be found in the lead-up to and August 1988 announcement of the trade that would send Gretzky from the Edmonton Oilers to the Los Angeles Kings.
Most amazing is that Brunt is able to paint a vivid picture of Gretzky and get inside his mind - all without ever once speaking to him (at least not for this book). Initially I thought this was done on purpose - I remember in one journalism class or another, being told that the most powerful stories are often the ones where you interview everyone except the principal character involved - but as the acknowledgments at the end make clear, Gretzky denied Brunt's interview request (as did Peter Pocklington, for the more obvious reason that he was working on his own book about the trade).
My only real gripe with the book is how quickly everything after the trade is glossed over. I realize that Brunt didn't set out to write a biography, but that is to some extent how it reads - until Gretzky leaves LA for St. Louis, at which point his short run there, his years with the New York Rangers, and his involvement with the Canadian Olympic teams and Phoenix Coyotes are explained in the tiniest amount of detail.but
One of Brunt's main themes is that Gretzky somehow remained a cultural icon in Canada even after he left the country and rejected overtures to return (he mentions this so often that I anticipated the epilogue's mention of Gretzky refusing to leave Phoenix even for the chance to coach an NHL team in Hamilton, just down the road from where he grew up, well in advance of even getting to the epilogue).
I would suggest, though - in a counter-argument that Brunt never gives - that if Gretzky were to return to Canada, he might find his celebrity status overwhelming. He's a celebrity in the US, yes, but on nowhere near the same level - he's just a celebrity. In Canada, he'd be a celebrity and a friend - constantly being hit up for golf games, speaking engagements, and whatever else. I'd get sick of that pretty quickly, and maybe Gretzky would too.
Still, it's a very good book, recommended to anybody with at least a passing interest in Wayne Gretzky as either a hockey player of a celebrity.
Kumar Paswan | India Boys with his Parasitic Twins

This Octo Boy from india has his own twins in his wombs. well it's really weird, maybe this is the first case in the medical history of the twins in the wombs. Kumar Paswan has a difference with the other boys in his ages. Kumar Paswan has his twins inside his wombs. but unfortunately the miraculous twins that lays on Kumar's Wombs has stopped developing,
To some in his remote Indian village he is a living version of India's multi-limbed God Lakshmi and worshipped every day as holy. To others eight-year-old Kumar Paswan is a monster, is stoned on sight and forced to hide away his astonishing medical condition. But all the tragic youngster wants is to be normal and has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove his parasitic twin.
The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. "When he was born the doctors said he wouldn't live long but here he is and apart from how he looks he is very healthy," said his dad Veeresh Paswan, of Bihar, eastern India. "I am tired of being different. I just want to live normally," added the youngster.
These photos are of eight year old Kumar Paswan from a remote Indian village who has an astonishing medical condition. He was born with a parasitic twin. The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. He has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove the parasite

Veeresh womb Paswan limbed twin operation parasitic separated youngster seven Bihar wouldn Kumar limbs normally Indian tragic Lakshmi appeal pounds
Monday, February 22, 2010
Safety Products by Traffic Cones

Have you ever pass the crowded place in the road? sometimes when we passed a crowded or even a place of accident. we can see a traffic barricade that give you a warning that the place is under construction. there's any other usage of this traffic barricade. this traffic barricade will give you a traffic control in the road.
There's a site in the internet that provide you a collection of traffic safety equipments. it's on trafficcones dot us. this provide many products related to safety equipments for road side job or even a construction site. i think that almost every people know and understand the traffic sign given by the police. moreover if a police officer swing a warning flags that means the road that is an accident happen in that road. when road work is being done, construction workers, in high visibility gear, may be directing motorists in another direction to follow a detou
usually cone-shaped markers that are placed on roads or footpaths to temporarily redirect traffic in a safe manner. we can find many traffic cones in the road or in the intersection. So if you want to look many safety traffic products why don't you just log on into trafficcones.us and then find your safety traffic products and choose the type of them. you can get a high quality safety traffic products in trafficcones with an affordable price,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
DigitalFilipino Organizes First SoftDev Conference 2010
It's an an intensive 1-day sharing of software development practices and exploration of ways on how to grow further in the field.
Attendees can expect an interactive session with software / application development industry players and practitioners. Check
World Biggest Hamster as a Pet

Well, it looks like a giant hamster, but it’s actually a capybara, the largest rodent on the planet, and it makes a great pet,apparently.
Melanie Typaldos, from Buda, Texas first came into contact with a capybara on a trip in Venezuela. Her daughter Coral fell in love with them the moment she got to pick one up and hold it in her arms. The moment they returned home, Melanie began searching for a capybara as a pet. She found 11-day-old Caplin Rous on a rare animal farm in Texas and it instantly became a member of their family.
You’re probably wondering what the deal is about the ‘Rous’ part of this capybara’s name, and well you should. ROUS stands for Rodent Of Unusual Size, and it’s apparently pronounced ‘rose’.

Talking about Caplin, owner Melanie Typaldos says it has the most adorable habits of waking her up in the morning. She usually makes a gentle ‘eep’ sound and gradually ‘raises’ her voice until she reaches her goal. Other times the now two-and-a-half year old capybara climbs up to her pillow and taps her on the face until she wakes up.
He loves taking warm baths and swimming in the pool, when the weather allows it, and he accompanies the whole family on outings. He also has his own blog, a MySpace and Twitter account (with 2,900 followers). Caplin Rous is definitely the world’s most famous Capybara.
Buy Car Accessories Online at Carid

Car modifying is not a cheap hobby, you have to prepare much money to modify your car. for example if you have a jeep type vehicle you have to look for a stylish grills and also grill guard. you can find great jeep accessories on carid dot com. carid dot com offers you a complete accessories for your vehicle. they provide accessories for various type and models of car.
On carid dot com you can choose what accessories that you need for your car, the best news is you can get 20% discount if you buy the car accessories on their website. what about for jeep or trucks?? don't worry carid dot com also provide it on their site.
Now what kind of jeep accessories you want to install in your jeep?? a lambo doors?? or even a new jeep grills guard? you can get more jeep accessories that you need on carid dot com. whether it's for your jeep interior or exterior.
After you choose your desired jeep accessories the next step is select your jeep type whether it's a wrangler type or even a commander type and then select the years of your jeep type. with this simple navigation you can get the suitable jeep accessories for your jeep.
OK so what are you waiting for?? if you want to modify your jeep you can go to carid dot com and define your vehicle true identity.
Your business needs to be cared about
Having any type of business is a huge responsibility. And sometimes it is correctly said that not everyone should be involved in business. It is important to stay wise and keep your eye on everything, Safety and supervision can never be out of proportion here. But that is not everything you need to think about. There are other important details that need to be taken into consideration. You might have already heard about liability protection but you don't know what exactly that is and how to behave with it. Let us take you into the world of insurance for a moment and show you what there is for you to choose from.
You probably wonder who it is for. More than 78% of the businesses located in the United States of America are categorized into partnership or sole proprietorship. But if you think about it this bring more pressure and risk in lives of small business owners. When you have a good insurance you can at least know that your professional part of life is highly protected. Financially it could be ruined but it will stay safe with a good insurance.
But don't let anyone give you wrong ideas about anything. You might have heard that you will be totally protected from personal liability but in reality you can be personally liable in the following cases:
- When you have signed a personal guarantee for a loan
- When you cause damage to somebody
- When your actions can be considered as illegal or do not contain any moral side
What is the liability insurance and how to trust it?
BLI (Business Liability Insurance) will help you when you run a small business that is threatened by a lawsuit for property damage and personal damage. What it will do for you is cover all the damages from the court together with the legal payments. You can totally trust it and it is highly recommended by small business owners as it gives the needed protection in a very short period of time.
But of course the Business Liability Insurance can be of various types.
There are three that we would want to tell you about - first of all there is General Liability Insurance. This is the main one as it usually covers you from injury claims, property losses and other sorts of troubles. This type of insurance is like a summarized one but if you think you need something more specific or your situation is unique you should shop around for other insurance type.
Professional Liability Insurance is perfect for business owners that are likely to have any problems due to their business type. This coverage will sort their malpractice, errors, negligence and omissions out and will give the business owners some peace in their souls. Sometimes this insurance is even obligatory. But of course everything depends on your specialty. In some of the US states doctors are required to have this insurance.
And then the last but not the least - Product Liability Insurance, It is when you sell or manufacture products that need protection in cases someone becomes injured or hurt while using these products. This is a very important insurance for the retailers. But if you aren't one you should get what you need.
You can get business insurance quotes from our site and email us any questions you like. We will be ready to help. Business insurance quotes could be also found on general insurance web-pages together with the feedback from those who applied for them.
Auto insurance for Florida drivers
What do you know about Florida? We bet not too much unless you live there. The heat, the waves, beautiful people - that is not the only things you can find in Florida. Day to day life there is very ordinary. People have their obligations and concerns. They have problems and they want to find good solutions.
Florida is famous for crazy drivers. They like the speed and they don't want to spend too much money caring about their insurance. But whatever you may think, there is always a change you might be the lucky one who will get a discount or a deal on the good terms.
We are professionals in this domain so you are right to read this article as we will tell you all you have to know about Florida's auto insurance companies dealing with car deals. It would be very smart of you to shop around for your perfect deal. Before you make up your mind and those the company you will further trust and rely on you should make a list of companies that you want to get quotes from, then actually get the quotes and compare them. You need to set a number of priorities for yourself. It will be much easier for you to make up your mind when you know what each company has in store for their clients. We would also recommend you to ask the people that are already involved with some company to tell you about their experience. They will hoop you up with the latest updates and can even advice you a particular place. Just like any other costumers Nevada people like the combination of a cheap price with high quality. These combinations are not rare but they are definitely exclusive. If you find such a combination, please consider yourself to be a lucky person.
You should be able to rely on the company if any difficulties occur. They will be the people that will represent your interests in various situations that may not be in your favor.
Lots of things have changed around. Cheap Florida auto insurance can be found almost everywhere. It used to be different when people had to travel far away to find that only one company that would promise them something they hoped to get. Nowadays you can Google your auto insurance company and get it done within 24 hours. Isn't this amazing? It surely is.
Accidents are not rare in Florida. You must beware of the fact that fast cars make fast accidents. You must not only be responsible for yourself on the road but for everyone that who is involved with you. It is very important so that people know that it is worth being insured. No matter how much it costs your car insurance gives you certainty and some stability as you know even if you end up in an accident somebody will take care of you.
Insurance companies in Florida do not require too many details from you. They only need the basic information. Also they have a very good characteristic - they are willing to work with you no matter how much money you have in your pocket.
We hope to see you on the roads in Nevada - happy and safe. These two words should always describe you while you are in your car.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
'Just like innings in baseball'
Curiously, my American vacations seem to sync up with the Olympics unusually often - it happened in 2002, 2008, 2010, and possibly other years as well. This means that for a good portion of the event, I'm left with only American commentators, frequently accused (by Canadians) of homerism and ignoring events Americans aren't favoured in.
I haven't really noticed either of those. Of course American coverage will tend to favour Americans in the same way Canadian coverage favours Canadians, but NBC has shown both Canadian gold medal ceremonies and plenty of other non-American events in their limited programming time (five hours a day plus an overnight show).
More amazing is the NBC affiliates - CNBC, MSNBC and USA - which are working together pretty much every men's hockey game, most women's hockey games, and every curling draw.
Yes, there's been some hilarious criticisms leveled at NBC for giving hockey short shrift (mainly for missing the first couple minutes of a game in favour of the final end of curling, following the sports broadcasting golden rule of 'finish what you start'), but overall I've been impressed by the American coverage of my favourite Winter Olympic sports.
With one exception, that is.
Namely, Andrew Catalon (right).
Catalon is the amiable-sounding sportscaster who NBC tapped to call curling. Now, admittedly it couldn't have been easy to find a curling announcer - in Salt Lake City and Turin, NBC used Don Chevrier, the legendary Canadian broadcaster who had called everything from baseball to synchronized swimming to spelling bees. But Chevrier passed away in 2007.
Curling is not a major sport in the US (obviously), so there wasn't exactly an established curling broadcaster NBC could call upon within American borders - maybe there's somebody on a community channel in Minnesota, but his familiarity with the game would be trumped by the broadcast abilities that relegated him to community television in Minnesota.
Most of the major Canadian curling broadcasters were already in use in Vancouver, because they belong to the networks covering the Olympics up here - Vic Rauter and Brian Mudryk working on curling, Rod Black on figure skating, Rob Faulds on luge-related sports.
In fact, the only Canadian out there with national curling broadcast experience who isn't either part of the CTV/Rogers consortium or dead is the CBC's Bruce Rainnie, who took over their curling duties when Don Wittman passed away, a few weeks after Chevrier.
Rainnie either wasn't approached, or wasn't interested in giving up his day job (as host of CBC's supper-hour news show in PEI). This is an extremely roundabout way of saying that Catalon - who called team handball in Beijing, another sport he no doubt learned on the fly - was probably the best NBC could come up with.
And it's not like he was flying solo - he was partnered with Don Duguid, a longtime curling commentator and two-time world champion, and Elfi Schlegel, a former Canadian gymnastics champion. Both of them were part of NBC's crew in the past.
Besides, having a non-fan in the booth makes sense given he's speaking to a nation of non-fans - his questions might seem obvious to you or me (especially if you are Marc Bernard or Andrew Flemming, two curling uber-fans who occasionally comment here), but they could well be what most of his audience is also wondering.
Truth be told, Catalon isn't doing that badly, especially for a sport he's unfamiliar with. Another plus is that Duguid is far too Canadian to ever correct his partner. Consider this exchange, where Catalon temporarily forgot that the crowd noise would be for the Canadian game on the next sheet:
Catalon: A good shot from the Americans!
Duguid: But what's bad about it is that it leaves the stone wide open!
In the next end, Catalon tried to bring his knowledge of strategy and scoring to the forefront, knowing exactly what would come next:
Catalon: And now he'll just draw for two.
Duguid: Or do the double takeout for four!
The American skip did indeed try the double takeout. It failed, sending the game into extra ends where yet another skip error handed Denmark a victory.
Compare that to the Canadian broadcast, where Vic Rauter is able to deduce what is going on, what needs to be done, and what is being done poorly (in fairness to Catalon, Vic has been around the game for decades now) - freeing up his analysts to go into a greater level of detail.
But the biggest sin committed by Catalon, the one that will forever stop me from proclaiming him 'good' at even a layman's broadcast of curling, is his oft-repeated assertion that ends are "just like innings in baseball". I heard it from him twice before three rocks had been thrown in his first broadcast, and he still sprinkles it in from time to time.
The problem? Ends in curling are not like innings in baseball in almost any sense. Yes, a curling match happens to be divided into ten ends, similar to how a baseball game is divided into nine innings, and yes, a curling scoresheet looks an awful lot like a baseball line score - but that is where the similarities end.
In an inning of baseball, Team A sends up all its batters (until three make outs), and then Team B does the same. In curling, each team alternates shots.
In baseball, it is common for both teams to score in an inning, as the inning is divided into 'top' and 'bottom' portions. In curling, it is impossible for both teams to score in the same end - and there is no 'top' end and 'bottom' end, it's just one end.
There's no great comparison for curling ends - tennis sets, bowling frames, golf holes, an odd combination of those three maybe - but baseball definitely isn't the best.
This wouldn't bother me if he said it once or twice. But Catalon repeats it and repeats it, to the point where, yes, I think he truly believes an end is like an inning.
And it's spreading - last night, the local NBC affiliate (Fort Myers), showed curling highlights. Well, one shot, but I digress. The hosts bantered for a moment about curling (the female news anchor claimed eight members of the American team were, like her, from Minnesota) - and then the sports anchor claimed that he'd been reading up on curling, and showed off his knowledge by suggesting that ends are "just like innings in baseball".
Good thing I go home tomorrow and don't have to drive myself crazy with this anymore.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mass Wedding Record in South Korea

What do you think if more than 5000 people held their wedding together?? is it only a dream or what?? well i can tell if this event was really happen in south korea. yesterday on 17 february about 10.000 couples held their wedding together in Goyang, Seoul, South Korea. Wow this event could be listed on the Guiness book of records for the record of mass wedding in the history.
This Mass wedding was organized by the church in goyang seoul. well here's the picture of the world record of the mass wedding in goyang seoul south korea.. do you want to take place in this mass wedding too??
Oh yeah don't forget to read several post about bizarre wedding in the crazy world.