Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Twelve quick hits

(There are a bunch of small things I want to mention, but I have no idea if I'll be able to make twelve. Let's see.)

1) I don't know if anybody actually looks at the "blogs we know" list to the right (I do want to expand it eventually, turning it into "blogs we like"), but Cassan has been writing a lot this week. If you like reading stuff that's a lot of questions with very few answers (from a philosophical point of view), check it out.

2) This morning was my first exam. I can now safely forget the four types of prison movies, and whatever else I learned. Actually, I didn't do nearly as poorly as I was expecting, considering I've been sick and unable to focus on studying from more than maybe 15 minutes at a time. And there was a lump under my pillow last night (very few people will have any idea what I'm talking about there, but they'll all be at least chuckling).

3) Speaking of being sick, I don't think DayQuil exists anymore. This doesn't make me happy - DayQuil and NyQuil were a perfect combination for me to get over any sickness (not necessarily for everyone though, from my experiences different people tend to react differently to different medications). I went to Shoppers yesterday to buy some, and there wasn't even a spot for it.

4) On a related note, NyQuil is now green. On the list of "Things Ryan Has Ingested That Were Purposely But Freakishly Green", NyQuil fits somewhere between ketchup and eggs.

FIVE GOLDEN RINGS...fourcallingbirdsthreefrenchhenstwoturtledovesandapartridgeinapeartree.

6) Canadians love it when Americans talk about us, right? Well here's Jon Stewart and friends on our Parliamentary crisis. I have to say, I love the way the rest of the world is treating this as "Harper clinging to power" and nothing more.

7) What's the deal with bedframes? As much as that sounds like the setup to a joke, it's a serious question, and something I was pondering in my NyQuil-induced not-quite-asleep state last night. What purpose do bedframes serve? Is it just that people like having the extra leverage when they slide out of bed in the morning?

8) As a follow up from #1 and #7, it's good to question things. Even things that seem like they needn't be questioned. I learned recently that when Pierre Trudeau became Prime Minister, one of the first things he did was ask the Foreign Affairs department why Canada needed a Foreign Affairs department (presumably he did this to every department). It seems like a simple question, but what's the point of doing or using something unless you understand why it's there?

9) The Kitchener Rangers haven't been winning too many games lately. Not a big deal. As I believe I said at the start of the season, the bulk of the team is 17- and 18-year-olds - people who will be back, and better, next year.

10) While I've been sick, I've been listening to the radio a lot (the idea being that with my iPod, I might start skipping through songs, which might prevent me from falling asleep) - and I've come to realize something. I have a very hard time telling the difference between Hedley and Theory Of A Deadman and Faber Drive and Daughtry, etc. I know there's a lot of good new music out there, but it's up to people to discover it for themselves because almost all radio stations will only play what appeals to everybody a little bit, rather than what appeals to some people a lot. I think there's an untapped market here.

11) I want to go on a vacation next fall where I ride scooters. I really don't understand why Blogger would pick those as the three sample labels. (Yes, I'm reaching to make twelve.)

12) Jay Leno is getting a primetime talk show. I like this a lot. I don't know if I'll watch it, but primetime television becoming something more than episodic series, a show where you can watch it whenever you want and still be entertained, sounds like a great idea to me. Now if only he can get guests that are on to be entertaining, rather than to plug their latest book or movie.


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