Friday, April 11, 2008

Blogs the blogger reads

So it should come as no surprise that I, being a naturally curious person with a lot of free time, like to read other blogs. I may have linked a few of these before, but here is a list of every blog I read on even a semi-regular basis. Hopefully you'll find one or two worth the time it took you to read this.

(I should also point out that these links are in no particular order. Or more specifically, they're in the same order as they are in my Favourites list, which is pseudo-chronological, although I often shuffle things around in there just to keep it from getting boring and repetitve. I'm weird like that.)

Our first entry is in fact the only one I'm positive I've linked here before - Batter's Box Baseball Blog. It is the main place for me to look for baseball-related news and analysis, and its primary focus is the Blue Jays, which is great. Obviously if you're not a hardcore baseball fan, there's no reason to even click the link.

Paul Romanuk is a former sportscaster for TSN, who has been living in England for the past few years, doing I'm not exactly sure what. However, he has a blog of his own, which focuses on sports decidedly less than I originally expected. While sports are clearly still a passion of his, his blogging relates more to current news (of course, if there's any way that news and sports combine, such as the Olympic torch fiasco, he'll find a way to talk about it). Some of his views are a little extreme for my tastes, but I still enjoy reading them. You probably wouldn't unless you were already familiar with him, though. Or happened to share his views, I guess.

The Legends of Classic Rock Blog is exactly what you'd expect from the name. Jeff Woods is the host of 'The Legends of Classic Rock', a radio show about (you guessed it) classic rock which is syndicated throughout Canada. Here, he blogs. Mostly about classic rock. He's good at telling old stories that a lot of people wouldn't know, but for the most part I'm not that interested in them. Still read it, though, although more often than not I don't find it worth the time I've spent. He does have a decent-sized audience, though, so his stories resonate with some people more than me.

Not sure if I've mentioned this one before or not, but The Comics Curmudgeon is, in my opinion, hilarious. It's written by a guy named Josh, who goes through a few comic strips every day, looking for things he can make witty comments about. I have to admit, I think I read it more for the trainwreck-level awfulness of some of the comics than for his comments on them.

I never let an opportunity to mention the webcomic xkcd go to waste, but the comic's creator, Randall Munroe, also keeps a blog of his own. It's not updated all that often, and the content is rather hit-and-miss with me (I have zero interest in science-y stuff, near zero in tech-y stuff)...but when it hits, it really hits.

A friend of mine is a hippie. She has a blog dedicated to her hippie pursuits. I get namedropped in it once in a while. She hasn't updated it that much lately, but I'm guessing that's either a lack of time or a lack of things to write about - she certainly hasn't given up on hippiedom.

A relative of mine coaches a minor league hockey team in the southernmost point of Texas. Brian Sandalow covers said team for a newspaper, and also has a blog on the paper's website. There's absolutely no reason for you to read this, I only listed it here because I said I'd mention *all* blogs I read, and by gum I'm sticking to it!

As I clearly haven't had enough sports-related blogs yet, Jeff Blair writes about the Blue Jays for the Globe & Mail, and is generally regarded (at least by the Batters' Box guys) as the best of the handful of newspaper writers who cover the Jays 24/7. Again, nothing to see here unless you're a baseball fan.

I honestly have no idea when I became a fan of Dave Till. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that I'm the first person to ever describe himself as a fan of Dave Till. He lives in Toronto, works as a web designer, and (this is the important parts) writes really, really well, often about things which I'm at least a little bit interested in. He has two blogs - a professional one which is mostly political and a little dry, and a personal one which is basically what I aspire for this to be.

Finally, last but not least, remember a few months ago, when this blog was getting overrun with comics created by Dan? Well, at the time, he set up another blog to contain all his comics, and despite the fact that new comics flow much slower than before, he still only posts them there. I'm not quite sure why.


(P.S.: See? Told you I'd have some relatively interesting stuff now that classes were over with! Take that, cynics!)

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